Sunday 24 August 2014

Young Sociologist Deadline Extended

TILL AUGUST 30, 2014

Monday 18 August 2014

SAMBANDH 2014 Rules and Regulations


  • Attendance is compulsory for all students from 9 am to 4 pm
  • Attendance will be taken in Campus View at 9 am
  • As the event focuses on Environment and Sustainability, students are requested to come in shades of green
  • Food Festival participants report to Maya Ma'am or Suparna Ma'am by 11 am on August 22, 2014
    • Food to fit into any of the 6 regions of India, North, South, East, West, Central and North East
    • Tables will be put up in Gourmet
    • Coordinate with Mr Ganapathy
    • No cooking/warming of food allowed
    • Profits to go to charity

Event and Venue Details:

Campus View
Cartoon Strip

Poster Making


Sky View
C 104, 105
Short Story, Essay
C 107
Pot Painting
Campus View
10 Minutes on Stage
Sky View
C 107

May the best class win!!

PARTICIPATION POINTS: 100 points for participation for each class. This will be calculated on the basis of percentage of participation
One participant per class (minimum)
1st place: 30 points
Style of debating will be based on sociologists allotted to the participants two days prior to the event (Wednesday 20th)
2nd Place: 30 points
Mode of debating will be in the form of a group discussion with each participant getting a turn to speak, rebut and diverge to a new sub topic.
The topic will be provided on the spot by the judges along with the speaker time and duration of topic, and criteria for grading. The judges will also moderate and chair the debate.
The topic will be based around the theme of the fest that is "Environment, Sustainability & Development”.
An emergency or crisis can be introduced by the judges to remove stagnancy in the topics provided and test participant ingenuity and creativity. The solution or comments on the crisis has to be incorporated into the discussion from then on.
Professional integrity and courtesy must be maintained by all participants.
Placards and seating arrangements will be provided on the basis of sociologists given.
Notebooks and stationery are allowed for writing down key points.
Rules are subject to change by the judges.
Short Story
Theme: Sustainability
1st place: 60 points
Individual event
2nd Place: 30 points
> The work is required to be original and devoid of plagiarism
> The word limit is 1000 words
> Strictly avoid vulgar and unnecessary connotations
Time: 30 minutes
Theme: Sustainability
1st place: 60 points
Individual event
2nd Place: 30 points
> The work is required to be original and devoid of plagiarism
> The word limit is 1500 words
> Strictly avoid vulgar and unnecessary connotations
Time: 30 minutes
Cartoon Strip
Theme: Environment, Sustainability and Development
1st place: 60 points
Individual event
2nd Place: 30 points
> The work is required to be original and devoid of plagiarism
>The comic strip is required to have 5 frames/columns
> The strip can be either in colour or B/W
> Strictly avoid vulgar and unnecessary connotations
Time: 45 minutes
Poster Making
Theme: Environment, Sustainability and Development
1st place: 60 points
Individual event
2nd Place: 30 points
Handmade posters
Size: A3
All material has to be brought by the participant/s
Time: 45 minutes
Theme: Development and sustainability
1st place: 60 points
Team event: 3 members/ team
2nd Place: 30 points
Size: Chart
All material has to be brought by the participant/s
No scissors allowed
Quiz: Chakravyuh
Team event: 2 members/ team
1st place: 100 points
Prelims on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 12 noon, C 104
2nd Place: 50 points
Finals on Friday, August 22, 2014
Pot Painting
Theme: Environment and sustainability
1st place: 60 points
Individual event
2nd Place: 30 points
Any type of paints, decorations (beads, sequins...) are allowed
All material has to be brought by the participant/s
Time: 1 hour
Theme: Environment
1st place: 100 points
Team event: 1 artist and 1 subject
2nd Place: 50 points
All material has to be brought by the participant/s
Time: 1 hour
Theme: Environment
1st place: 100 points
Team event: 3 members/team
2nd Place: 50 points
All material has to be brought by the participant/s
Space: 2 feet x 2 feet
Time: 1 hour
10 minutes on stage
Theme: Environment, development and sustainability
1st place: 400 points
Each class has 10 minutes only
2nd Place: 300 points
Any combination of music, dance, theatre is allowed
3rd Place: 200 points
Maximum participation is encouraged
No vulgarity
CLASS TROPHY will be awarded to the winning class and runners up on the basis of all these events and participation

Thursday 14 August 2014

SAMBANDH Program Details


This festival organized by the students of the Department of Sociology will be held on Friday, August 22, 2014. The events will be held in the Central Block and the Food Fiesta will take place in Gourmet.

The events will cover Art, Literary and Stage events and students from PSEco, PSEng and EPS will compete for the grand class prize. Each class will get points for participation and these points as well as those from the winners will add towards deciding the overall winning class.

10 Minutes on Stage will be 10 minutes given to each class to showcase their skills on the broad theme of Environment, Development and Sustainability. The students can come up with a combination of music, dance and theater. 

The Food Fiesta will be held in the Gourmet with six clusters of stalls corresponding to the six regions of India, the North, South, East, West, Center and the North East. Food from these regions will star in each cluster and students will be selling them with their profits helping charities across the city.