Alumni Meet 2017-18

The Department of Sociology and Social Work had their first combined Alumni Meet on January 26, 2018. The gathering of Alumni, faculty and final year students was anchored by Ms. Induja Aravind, IV MA Applied Sociology. Dr. Victor Paul, Head, Department of Sociology and Social Work officially welcomed the gathering. Dr Victor Paul mentioned the context of Alumni meet and highlighted the upcoming Golden Jubilee of CHRIST (Deemed to be University). He focused on the following points:
  • Golden Jubilee Celebration of the University: Yearlong celebration of the University’s Golden Jubilee needs the active involvement and participation by the Alumni. He asked the gathering to find ways and means to support the department through be part of the conferences, placements etc.
  • Sustainability of the Alumni Association: Dr. Victor Paul emphasized the need of strengthening the Alumni associations in order to have a better collaboration. There is a need for finding measures to sustain the Alumni association. Regional level meetings can be held before 26th January every year so that there is an idea of the development in all the regional chapters.
  • National Conference:  Alumni members can collaborate with Department of Social work to organize a national level conference as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
  • University Status: Dr. Victor Paul informed the Alumni about the status of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) and the UGC guidelines pertaining to the same. There is no problem in continuing with all our existing engagements/ partnerships/ functioning and it is only a technicality with respect to terminology (Deemed to be University). It can continue all the functions (including degree awarding) performed prior to the title change
Dr. Madhuri Suresh, President of the Chapter, Sociology, presented the election details and addressed the gathering.
·         Alumni volunteers came forward to share their experiences of being part of this University and how this institution has helped in their personal and professional growth. The session was enriched with the video presentation of the International Alumni of Department of Social Work. They explained the opportunities available in foreign countries for Social workers and offered their support to the department.
·         The chapter meet ended with the photo session. After the networking and high tea, all of them joined the General meeting organized in the Main Auditorium.