Tuesday 13 February 2024

Student Panel Discussion Inequalities and Education

  Department of Sociology and Social Work


Student Panel Discussion

Inequalities and Education 

The Department of Sociology and Social Work Student Association hosted a panel discussion at Christ University titled "Inequalities and Education" on 23rd August 2023; student panellists explored three overarching themes, each offering unique insights into the intricate relationship between education and societal disparities.

Theme 1: talked about Structural Inequality and Accessibility in Education, where panellists Kamya Malik, Raina Mishra, and Esther Rachel Stanley illuminated the pervasive structural inequalities obstructing access to education, particularly for marginalised and economically disadvantaged sections of society. The lens through which these issues were examined included caste, class, race, and gender. The speakers emphasised the role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty but lamented social stigmas and inherent limitations in educational resources tied to caste, race, and gender identities. Geographical disparities between urban and rural areas further compounded the issue, creating a stark contrast in educational opportunities.

 Additionally, the conceptualisation of 'Cultural Reproductions' as outlined by Bourdieu, the sidelining of cultures through language proficiency emphasis, and the effects of privatisation in education were highlighted.

Theme 2: Education as an Agent of Inequality and Reproduction of Ideology where Bela Redkar, Fionn Firoze Sheik, and Ishani Choudhary delved into the nuanced topic of education as an agent of inequality, exploring how it can perpetuate societal ideologies rather than acting as an equaliser. The panellists interrogated the distortion of education's primary ideals and aims in the present context, along with a call for reevaluation of the current state of education and its impact on societal ideologies.

Theme 3: Promises of Education, represented by Roshan, Ilakya, and Dheekshitha D, the participants under the theme of Promises of Education, scrutinised whether education was fulfilling its overarching promises. They critically examined education’s primary ideals and aims, offering insights into how these promises have been distorted in the contemporary education system. They presented a poignant summary of how structural inequalities adversely affect educational accessibility in India. It underscored the concerning reality of education serving as an agent that perpetuates ideological and structural disparities.

Aligning with the SDGs

Goal 4: Quality Education - The discussion highlighted the pervasive structural inequalities obstructing access to education, especially for marginalised and economically disadvantaged sections of society. By addressing the barriers related to caste, class, race, and gender, the panel emphasised the role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities - Exploring how education can perpetuate societal ideologies and calling for a reevaluation aligns to reduce inequalities. By addressing the root causes of educational disparities, the discussion contributes to creating a more inclusive educational system.


This panel discussion meticulously examined the nuanced relationship between education and societal disparities. The speakers unearthed the multifaceted challenges of structural inequalities, the potential for education to become an agent of inequality, and the distortion of its promises in the present context. The goal is to create a space for constructive dialogue, fostering a culture of inclusivity and understanding within the academic community.

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