Friday 28 June 2013

Interactions with students from USAC

A group of USAC students visited the II MA Applied Sociology class on the 17th of June. This group is part of the feminism studies program at our university. The reason behind their visit was to widen and get a broader perspective on the Indian caste system. They raised a variety of questions ranging from the Indian caste system, women’s status in India and their issues to the women’s present day situation, their empowerment, etc. The II MA Applied Sociology class consisted of students from the various different religions and castes present in India, their different functions and practices were discussed. For example, the marriage practices among the Gowda community. The different cultures, rituals etc were also discussed. Each individual’s point of view was brought about, including that of the USAC students. They brought to light their experiences in India and how they came here with a different understanding about our country, which eventually changed after the course of the discussion, as they realised that inspite of the differences prevailing in our country, there is still a strong sense of ties and bonds, which has kept the people of our country intact.

Due to several contextual factors, the discussion had to come to an end and in order to end it on a positive note, a few students emphasised on India, with respect to unity irrespective of diversity. 

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