by Prof. S. V Srinivas on Media, Hero worship and Fanculture
He started the talk by telling the students the
relation between media and social sciences and its importance in the
contemporary world. The methods that are used by sociologist with regard to
media studies through the different modes of analyzing a text were seen
problematic by him. He said that sociologists should focus on their own
research methods like ethnography, participant observation etc. They should not
move into other disciplinary methods like content analysis and textual analysis
which is restricted to fields like media studies and communication.
16th July 2018
16th July, 2018 the department of Sociology started its Golden
Jubilee lecture series with a talk by Prof. S. V. Srinivas from Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. A very well
reputed scholar in the area of cinema and cultural studies in the south Asian
region Prof. Srinivas has published papers and books on cinemas, mass
communication and politics in Indian and International academic journals. His
interest on research extensively focuses on literature, popular culture and
mass politics, Media and Public sphere etc. He has also done considerable
amount of work in the areas of film and cultural studies, audience research and
cultural politics. In the talk he discussed about inherent promises in film studies for a sociology
scholar. He basically touched upon two distinct but interrelated aspects of
south Indian cinema – one, the persisting fanculture in the south Indian film
industry, especially Tamil and Telugu cinema, and two, the political economy of
cinema in general with specific reference to its 1930s and 1940s time and the
consequences of the same. The audience mainly consisted of all the teachers and
students from Sociology department and teachers from Social work and other
departments in the university.

He spoke about film
productions and the cinema industry. He said that the people who are the
audience analyze and interpret films through different perspectives and they
acquire the textual content of the films through different modes/ways. He spoke
about the public sphere that is dominated by the capitalists thereby leading to
the ideologies of the Bourgeoisie. He spoke of the hegemony and dominance
attached towards the content in newspaper articles that favors the haves and is
written from the perspective of the haves. Film production looks at how caste
comes into play and he gave an example of the Telugu cinema (his area of
specialization) which are run by peasants and are connected to land. He speaks
of how certain upper caste people dominate media spaces and how it thereby
influences films on the same lines. Hence, in Telugu film industry the Reddy’s
are shown as the dominant and the film thereby overtly expresses certain caste
ideologies that favor the upper caste in that particular region.
Srinivas said that film is loss making industry and said that Indian Cinema
lost a lot of money over the past few decades. 80% of films have serious issues
in earning the money that they have invested and the production houses in such
cases face a huge loss if the film is not able to reach its audience. The
cinema is also seen as a platform for the new elite where the bourgeoisie
controls the media. He also spoke of archives that media houses maintain with
regard to distributors, actors, laborers etc. He also spoke of the role of
research in these platforms where he focused on “gendering of creative labor”.
Cinema’s attitude towards women were clearly discussed as to how they are
viewed as objects for the male gaze and how women from certain low caste/ race
backgrounds are given roles according to their
identity. The representation of women in media is of serious discussions
among the researchers. He then spoke of changes in film studies. He gave
examples of books like House full- Indian Cinema and the Active Audience,
written by Lakshmi Srinivas. He spoke of how the audience perceive the world,
how they think and how attitudes are shaped through the films they watch.
He then
focused on talking about Hero Worship and how the audiences behave in theatres.
He screened few films from the Telugu and Tamil film Industries where for
instance, the movie Vedhalam depicts actor Ajith (hero) showing a pistol to the
villain and the audience jump in joy and scream out with happiness and when
Ajith shoots him the audience are happy about the death of the villain and how
the audience also embrace Ajith. He spoke of audience responses and their
different emotional transformations while watching a film and observing a text.
Then he speaks of hero worship in relation to religion where actors are seen as
Gods and how the audiences worship them. He speaks of how media influences
people and their mindset and the way they interpret the content in the films
that they watch. Media also promotes a lot of violence yet he says that people
will use their minds, interpret the content and act according to the norms of
the society. He also speaks of how women depict the image of Goddesses (which
he calls as horror) to kill the villain and the response of the audience. He ends his talk by saying how theo
-visuality transforms film consumers to devotional people through Hero worship. Dr.Victor Paul, HOD, Department of Sociology
and Social Work expressed vote of thanks to Mr.S.V. Srinivas and all
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